User Profile - Editing User Info in the LMS

User profile and information management

Video Walkthrough


How to Edit User Profile Information in Knowledge City LMS

Managing user profiles effectively is crucial for maintaining up-to-date records and ensuring users have access to their appropriate training within the LMS. 

Accessing the User Profile

  1. Login to the LMS and start at the dashboard.
  2. Navigate to the User List by selecting it from the left side panel of the LMS.
  3. Select a user by searching or filtering for the one you want to view or edit and clicking on their profile. 

Editing Basic Profile Settings

General Information

  • Profile image
  • Gender
  • Username (Login Name)
  • Password

User Permissions

  • Toggle the user Enabled/Disabled switch as required to control access to the LMS.
  • Set administrative privileges with the admin toggle switch, if necessary.
  • Test the user's student experience by using the option to log in as the user.
  • Resend an activation email with the provided button if you need to notify the user that their account has been activated.
  • Remove the user from the LMS if needed.

User Groups

Users can be added to groups or removed from existing groups.

  1. Under the “User Groups” heading, use the dropdown menu to "Select a Group for Assignment" to add the user to different groups.
  2. View the user's current groups in the same section.

Main Information

The Main Information section contains default profile fields such as:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Employee ID
  • National ID
  • Date of Birth
  • City
  • Center
  • Nationality
  • Company
  • Department
  • Position
  • Phone Number
  • Email Address

Additional Information

The Additional Information section will include custom fields if they become added in the LMS Custom Fields settings.

Reporting and License Information

  1. Send a personal progress report to the user, with a frequency that you can set (daily, weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly) using the send button.
  2. In the license information area, view details such as when the license is activated and its expiry date. Resend license information with the corresponding button.
  3. Check usage statistics, including login dates, course progress, and test scores.

Timezone and Language Settings

  1. Adjust the user's timezone under the Additional Information section if necessary.
  2. Change the language setting for the emails that the user receives.

Training Hours

  1. Review the user's total training hours, hours spent in the last 30 days, and time spent in the last 24 hours.
  2. Generate a detailed report by using the Get Report option.

Saving Changes

After making any changes, click the Save User button in the bottom left corner of the user profile page to ensure all edits are saved.

If you do not wish to notify the user about updates to their profile, tick the checkbox for Do Not Notify User on Save.


Following these steps will help you maintain accurate and useful profiles for all users in the LMS, enabling better management and support within the learning management system.