User Profile - Course List

Assigning and managing courses to individual students in the KnowledgeCity LMS

Video Walkthrough

The Course List tab within a user profile allows administrators to view, assign, and manage a user's individual courses. This guide provides a step-by-step process for using the Course List section.

Accessing the Course List

  1. Login to the LMS and start on the dashboard or homepage.
  2. Navigate to the user list on the left side panel of the LMS.
  3. Select a user by searching or filtering for the one you want to view or edit and clicking on their profile.
  4. Select the Course List tab at the top of the page.

Viewing and Managing Courses

  1. Use the dropdown menu in the top left to filter courses by criteria such as:
    • All available courses
    • Active and assigned courses
    • Courses with history (past courses taken)
    • Archived courses
  2. Filter courses by category using the second dropdown menu to narrow down the selection if needed.
  3. Search for a specific course using the search box.

Assigning New Courses

  1. Change the dropdown menu to All Courses to view the full list of courses.
  2. Locate the course you want to assign.
  3. Click the Assign button to the right of the course to assign it to the user.

Assigning Multiple Courses

  1. Use the checkbox on the left side of the course list to select multiple courses.
  2. Click the Assign Selected Courses button to assign all checked courses to the user.

Setting Availability Periods

After selecting courses for assignment, you have the option to set an Availability Period for each. If you choose to skip this step, simply click Save to proceed without an availability period.

Confirming Assignment Status

Once assigned, the courses’ status will update to "Assigned" under the status column on the right-hand side of the page. Verify that the courses now appear with an assigned status.

Using the Actions Column

  1. In the Actions column, for any assigned courses, you can:
    • Remove the course from assignment
    • Delete course progress
    • Review Course Cycles 

Saving Changes

  1. Save any changes made by clicking the Save button found on the page.

The Course List section of a user’s profile in the LMS is designed to give administrators the flexibility to tailor the learning experience to each user's needs, whether assigning new courses or tracking progress through existing ones. Always ensure you save your changes to maintain up-to-date course assignments and user progress.