Understanding and Using Single Sign-On (SSO) with KnowledgeCity

A guide on using SSO with the KnowledgeCity platform.

Video Walkthrough

What is SSO?

Single Sign-On (SSO) is a user authentication service that permits a user to use one set of login credentials (e.g., name and password) to access multiple applications. The service authenticates the end user for all the applications the user has been given rights to and eliminates further prompts when they switch applications during the same session. On KnowledgeCity Learning Management System (LMS), it offers a seamless login experience for students to access their courses using existing credentials from other systems.

How Does SSO Work with the KnowledgeCity LMS?

SSO simplifies the login process for KnowledgeCity LMS users by allowing them to sign in through a common identity provider (IDP). Once set up, a student or employee can log in to the LMS using the credentials they already use for other work or educational systems. This integration can save time, improve security, and reduce the hassle of remembering multiple passwords.

Step-by-Step Instructions on Setting Up SSO on KnowledgeCity LMS

The following steps can be taken to configure Single Sign On with the KnowledgeCity platform:

  • Begin by logging into your KnowledgeCity LMS Dashboard as an Admin user.
  • Navigate to the Settings icon in the top right corner of the screen and find the Account and Portal settings.
  • Choose the option for SSO to access the SSO settings page.
  • Create a new SSO connection by clicking on ‘Create Connection’.
  • Name your new SSO connection and move down the steps to configure connection settings.
  • Export the Service Provider (SP) metadata as an XML file and add it to your IDP (Identity Provider) platform, or copy the provided URLs into your SSO platform. (Alternatively, copy and paste the required metadata into your IDP platform)
  • Import data from your IDP to KnowledgeCity by completing the fields for Metadata URL or IDP Identifier, Sign-On URL, Logout URL, and uploading the public X.509 certificate. (Alternatively, use the import button to upload an XML or certificate file)
  • Save your changes once these four fields are completed.
  • Test the SSO connection by connecting to your IDP provider.
  • Adjust your SSO settings on KnowledgeCity if necessary, such as setting SSO as the default sign in option or prompt users to sign in with SSO.
  • Customize additional settings according to your organization's needs, including disabling the first login form field screen, auto assigning a license, or matching user attributes to your Active Directory/IDP fields.
  • Save all your configurations once you've set everything up according to your preferences.
  • Go back to the SSO authorization settings or navigate to the portal to test the login process as a user.

SSO is an efficient way to manage access to KnowledgeCity LMS and other applications, and setting it up can help streamline the login process for users across your organization. If there is any uncertainty about the steps or the information needed, it is recommended to contact your IT department for assistance. If you run into issues setting up or using SSO with KnowledgeCity, please contact your KnowledgeCity Success Team.