Overview - Category Manager in the LMS

Understanding and Using the KnowledgeCity LMS Category Manager

Video Walkthrough

How to Use the Category Manager in KnowledgeCity LMS

The Category Manager in the KnowledgeCity LMS is a tool that allows you to create and manage course categories and featured courses with ease. Below are step-by-step instructions on how to utilize this feature effectively:

Accessing the Category Manager

  • Login to your LMS dashboard.
  • On the left side panel of the LMS, locate and click on the link for the Category Manager.
  • Clicking the Category Manager option will present a dropdown menu where you can select either the Category list or the Featured Courses list. 
  • Start by selecting the Category list to manage your course categories.

Creating and Managing Course Categories

  1. Change Language (optional):

    • At the top of the Category list page, select the desired language if you need to switch between available languages, such as English and Spanish.
  2. Create a New Course Category:

    • Find the section under the language selection to create a new category.
    • Enter a name for the new category, e.g., "New Courses".
    • Click on the 'Create Category' button to add the category to the list.
  3. Edit Category Settings:

    • To display the new category in your course library, adjust the settings as needed.
    • Click the 'Save Changes' button located in the bottom left corner to apply the changes.
    • A confirmation message will appear at the top indicating the portal was successfully published.
  4. Feature a Category:

    • Optionally, set the new category as a featured category, which will be highlighted on the portal homepage front end.

Uploading a Custom Image and Adding Subcategories

  1. Navigate to Category Settings:

    Click the 'Settings' option on the right-hand side under the Actions column for the category you wish to modify.
  2. Upload a Custom Image:

    Here, you can upload a custom thumbnail/preview image that will represent your category on the portal.
  3. Add Subcategories:

    Use the 'Add Subcategory' option to create new subcategories under the parent category.

Removing Categories and Making Changes

  1. Remove a Category:

    • Click the 'Remove' option to delete a category from the list.
    • Confirm the action by clicking the 'Remove' button in the prompt that follows.
    • Always save changes by clicking the 'Save Changes' button after making modifications.

      Adding/Removing Courses

      • Courses can be added to sub-categories or sub-sub-categories.
      • Courses can be removed in bulk or individually using the removal features.

      Note: Always be sure to Save Changes to publish new or removed courses to the portal.

      Managing Featured Courses

      1. Navigate to Featured Courses:

        Move to the Featured Courses page by selecting the appropriate option on the left side panel under the Category Manager.
      2. Add or Remove Featured Courses:

        • This page allows you to add, rearrange, or remove courses that are featured on your portal's homepage.
        • Use the 'Select Courses' dropdown menu to add new courses.
        • Featured Courses can be removed in bulk or individually.
        • Lastly, click the Save Changes button to save your featured courses

      By following these steps, you can seamlessly manage course categories and featured courses in the KnowledgeCity LMS to create a tailored and effective learning experience for your students.