Overview - User Groups

Navigating and Utilizing User Groups in the KnowledgeCity LMS

Video Walkthrough

User groups in the KnowledgeCity LMS offer a dynamic way to manage and organize learners based on different criteria such as department, role, or project. This article provides guidance on navigating through the User Groups feature and highlights various use cases to streamline your training strategies.

Viewing the List of Groups

  1. To view a list of all existing user groups, navigate to the User Groups tab in the left side panel of the LMS.
  2. Here you can view all groups within your LMS, including the number of users and subgroups for each.
  3. Use the search field to search specific groups by name.
  4. To view subgroups within a group, click the button with a downward arrow next to the group name to open the group's branching.


An example illustration of the User Groups page of the LMS.

Creating a New Group

  1. Access the User Groups page from the left panel and select 'Create new group'. (Optionally, new groups can be created from the Quick Actions option of the left panel, and clicking on "Add Group".)
  2. Enter in the 'Group name' field and optionally choose a parent group.
  3. Click 'Create group' to finalize the process.

An example illustration of the group creation process within the User Groups page.

Managing Group Details – Users Tab

  1. Click on a group to view or edit its details; you can also use the search filter to find a specific group.
  2. The 'Users' tab shows all users related to the group.
  3. To add users from another group, use either the 'Copy users' or 'Move users' function.
    Copying users to a group will preserve currently assigned groups while the user is added to the new group, whereas moving users to a group will un-assign them from all other groups and add them to the new group.
  4. If you need to remove users, click the trash icon near the user name or select multiple users and click 'Remove'.

An example illustration of the Users tab of a specific group.

Managing Group Details – Assignments Tab

  1. Within the group details, switch to the 'Assignments' tab to view learning paths assigned to the group.
  2. Add learning paths by clicking 'Add learning path' and set any necessary availability periods.
  3. To view assignment progress within the group, click on the name of the learning path or use the search filter to locate a specific user.

An example illustration of a Learning Path being added as an assignment to a specific group.


Managing Group Details – Access Schedules Tab

  1. In the 'Access schedules' tab, you can view and add new access schedules for the group.
  2. Adding a group Access schedule restricts the group's access to training to only specific days or time of day.
  3. Utilize the dropdown to change the time zone if necessary.

Managing Group Details – Settings Tab

  1. Modify group settings such as 'Group name' and 'Parent group' in the 'Settings' tab.
  2. Set a student limit (the number of students allowed to be added to the group), or a training limit for the group, restricting the amount of time they can spend on training within a day, week, or month.
  3. Schedule progress reports by setting a reporting frequency and selecting a report template.
  4. Select a group manager and optionally send group progress reports to the manager.
  5. Change the setting for the specific group to serve as the "Default group".

An example illustration of the Settings tab of a specific group.

Use Case Examples of User Grouping

  • Departments: Create groups to match your company's departments, facilitating targeted training.
  • Roles: Group users based on their roles to assign relevant job-specific training.
  • Projects: Set up groups for project-specific training needs, ensuring the right people have access to the right content resources.
  • Compliance: Use groups to ensure all employees in regulated roles receive mandatory compliance training.
  • Progress Tracking: Assign managers to groups for monitoring and reporting on learner progress.
  • Scheduled Reports: Automate progress reports for managers, customized with relevant data points and frequencies.
  • Access Schedules: Implement schedules to control when users can access learning materials, essential for time-bound training programs.

By leveraging the KnowledgeCity User Groups feature, administrators can effectively tailor the learning experience to fit individual and collective needs. Use groups to simplify enrollment processes, manage content distribution, and track the progress of various organizational segments. Whether for induction, ongoing professional development, upskilling, or regulatory compliance, User Groups provide the framework for an organized and focused LMS experience.