Forms Settings

Understanding and Navigating Forms Settings and Custom Fields in the KnowledgeCity LMS

The Forms Settings allow LMS administrators to manage various forms used across the platform, including creating and editing user profiles, request access forms, and customizing form fields. Custom fields provide a flexible way to collect additional information for your users that can be saved, viewed, and edited.

Accessing Forms Settings

Step-by-Step Process

  1. Login to LMS: Ensure that you are logged in with a Super Administrator account.
  2. Navigate to Form Settings:
    • Click the gear icon located on the top-left side of the page.
    • From the dropdown menu, select "Forms Settings".


An example illustration of the Forms Settings page of the LMS.

Overview of Form Settings

When you access the Forms Settings, the LMS displays a list of forms used within the system, including:

  • Request Access Form
  • LMS User Profile Form
  • Portal User Profile Form
  • First Login Form

Additional information for changing the default forms is detailed below.

Forms Settings Tabs

  • Table of Fields: Displays fields used in the selected form.
  • Add Field Button: For adding new fields to the form.
  • Custom Fields Button: For managing custom fields.
  • Field Table Control Elements: Includes drag-and-drop, delete, save, cancel buttons, and toggles.
  • Tooltip Icon: Provides detailed guidance on how to use the form.

Adding a Field to a Form

Follow these steps to add a field to a selected form:

  1. Click on the Add Field button.
  2. A popup window will appear, allowing you to select a field from a list of available fields based on Default and Custom fields. If a field is already added to the form, it will be hidden from the dropdown list.


An example illustration of the popup displayed after clicking the "Add field" option in the Forms Settings of the LMS.

Editing a Form

To edit a form, follow these steps:

  1. Select one of the available forms using the tabs on the left side of the page.
  2. The LMS system will display the fields used in the selected form.
  3. Actions available to administrators include:
    • Change the Order: Use the drag-and-drop feature by clicking the "drag" icon.
    • Remove a Field: Click the trash bin icon.
    • Set Field as Mandatory or Optional: Determine if a field is required.
    • Make Field Non-Editable: Display the field in the form but make it non-editable.
  4. Click the "Save" button to save changes or "Cancel" to cancel the changes.

Understanding Constraints

  • Fields set to required cannot be made un-editable.
  • Default fields such as"Username" and "Password" in the LMS user profile, Portal user profile, and First login forms cannot be deleted or moved.
  • Take note of available fields and custom configurations when editing forms.

Creating and Managing Custom Fields

To create custom fields:

  1. Click the Custom Fields button to enter the custom fields section.
  2. Click the Create button to open the custom field creation popup.
  3. Select the field type (e.g., Text, Email, Select, Date, Phone) and provide a field name.
  4. If selecting the "Select" field type, add possible values using the "+ Add" button.

An example illustration of the popup displayed after clicking the "Create field" option in the Custom fields page.

Editing Custom Fields

  1. Click the Edit button (pencil icon) next to the field you wish to edit.
  2. Modify the field name, add translations (if applicable), and adjust the names, options (or values) as needed.

Deleting Custom Fields

  1. Click the Remove button (trash can icon) next to the field you wish to delete.
  2. Confirm the action in the modal confirmation window.

For more detailed guidance and additional instructions, use the tooltip icon available in the Forms Settings section. By following these steps, you can easily add and manage forms and custom fields in the LMS, enhancing your student profiles with additional and valuable information. Form fields are not only beneficial for administrative purposes but also allow students to provide critical data within their profile.